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Listening report 4

Listening report #4

Hello everyone, welcome back to my blog. so, in this time I will share with you some of the news that I have selected. 

So, Let's start :

Title: northeast braces for cold blast 
Date of listening: march, 14 2021

This news is about the bad weather that occurred in Kentucky which resulted in 20 cities having to deal with floods that were severe enough that several roads became landslides and many houses were drowned due to the floods. 

comment of the text: 
In my opinion, with this news, residents will be more careful when there is a bad weather and go to a safer place as soon as possible to prevent something bad from happening. 

 Something new:
from this news, I can learned new vocabulary such as lawn, torrential, flooding. from this news, I can find out how dangerous it is during floods and landslides.

Title: FBI release new images of capitol riot pipe bomb suspect


Date of listening: March, 14 2021


Description :

this news is about the FBI, which needs public assistance to jointly hunt down the suspects in the bombing of three important buildings, namely the US Capitol, the RNC and the DNC.


Comments of the text:

In my opinion, this news is very important to help the FBI catch the perpetrators of the bombing because with the features that have been announced by the FBI, it will definitely be easier to catch the perpetrators of the bombing.


Something new:

From this news, I learned some new vocabulary such as surveillance, bench. And from this news, I can be more alert to someone who I think is suspicious.

Title: Thousand of Texas turtles is need of rescue of sub-zero conditions hit Texas


Date of listening: march, 15 2021


The news about the rescue of thousands of sea turtles Texas dying of local temperature decreases drastically so many turtles that freezes and difficulty breathing because water which froze.

comment of the text:

In my opinion, this news is very positive. Because with the rescue of these turtles, we can also prevent the extinction of the turtles.


Something new:

From this news, I learned some new vocabulary such as endured, rescued, sanctuary. and from this news, all I can learn from this news is there are still good people in the word who are willing to help dying animals.

what the expert says:


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