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ER reading report#3

ER-reading report #3

Hello everyone, welcome back to my blog
Today I will read one of the stories in english-le reader And will choose a suitable song for The story that I will tell this

                                    The lost phoebe

This story tells about two couples who love each other, Henry and Phoebe. They are middle aged people and have lived together for many years. They are farmers. Their whole world is harvested fields, fruit trees, and large yards with pets and birds. Everything else is very remote, which means it doesn't really matter. The moon and stars look beautiful, but they are so distant that they don't affect the lives of ordinary people. Henry and Phoebe live happily. Couples fight a lot, like any couple. The wife threatened to leave Henry, but she understood that it wasn't serious. He never feared Phoebe would leave. But he was afraid to die. One time Phoebe fell ill and died. He was buried in the spring. Henry was left alone. The neighbors invited him to live with them, but Henry didn't want to go far from where his wife was resting.

For this story, I used a soundtrack Entitled " thank you for loving me" by bon Jovi
(Because I wrote it on my cellphone so I just took a picture and if you want to hear the song, I've shared the link)
                             Thank you for loving me
                                   For being my eyes
                                  when I couldn't see
                                  For parting my lips
                              When I couldn't breath 

.Hendry really likes phoebe. They are a happy couple. At one point they had an argument and Phoebe said that she would leave Hendy but Hendry understood that it was not serious. Hendry was never afraid that Pheobe would leave but all he was afraid of was death 

                              Thank you for loving me
                              Thank you for loving me
                             Thank you for loving me
                                   Oh, for loving me

In early spring, everything changed, Phoebe fell ill and made her die. The neighbors told Hendry to stay with them but Hendry refused and said he wanted to be near where his wife was buried. After Phoebe's death, Hendry always had hallucinations, he always saw Phoebe everywhere, Hendry even went to his neighbor's house to look for Phoebe. but phoebe wasn't at her neighbor's house. One day Hendry awoke from his sleep, it was still dark, the moonlight shining brightly through the trees. Hendry saw light movement across the street. Is that phoebe? Hendry believes that it is Pheobe and Hendry chases him up the hill. Tears of joy appeared in her eyes when she saw Pheobe again. Well it really is phoebe. Pheobe waved his hand at Hendry and as if telling Hendry to come with him, Hendry happily stretched out his hand and left with Pheobe. The next day the farmer's children find Hendry on the hill. His body was crushed, there was a gentle happy smile on his face. The same smile he saw when Pheobe was alive.

Sad, right?😭. 
So what do you think? Does the song match the story? Please correct🙏


  1. Thanks for sharing the story and explaining your reason for choosing the song.


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