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 hello everyone, welcome back to my blog

before I start my story, I will briefly explain about this assignment:
today I got the assignment to read one of the stories from the English e-reader and then choose one of the scenes that I think is interesting and from that scene I will try to make a sketch of the scene.

I have selected a story from an English e-reader entitled "Fever Dream" by Ray Bradbury. this book level is C2 unabridged with 2263 words count, and 9 pages. if you want to read more about this story please open this link

Fever Dream By Ray Bradbury

This story tells of a 13 year old teenager named Charles who is sick with dengue fever. charles had been sick for a few days and was just lying in his bed, all he could do was call his mom or dad to see how sick he was. it was mid september, the weather started to heat up because of autumn. Charles can only lie in bed and do nothing because it hurts. That afternoon, the doctor came to check her condition. when the doctor talked to charles, charles always said nonsense things like; His hands change color, his hands are gone. The doctor said that it was a dream fever, the doctor gave medicine to Charles to drink. after some time the doctor treated him, Charles was cured and can activities as usual.

this is my sketch

I will explain a little about this sketch. This scene is when Charles starts to get sick and is always bedridden for several days doing nothing, as long as charles is bedridden, charles always says strange things to the doctor who treats him.

The reason why I chose this scene was because in my opinion the scene was very interesting and a little funny in my opinion because during Charles's illness, Charles had a dreamy fever that made him high-spirited like; his hands began to disappear, his hands changed color, even until his body disappeared.

that's all from me.I hope you can enjoy it, thank you


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