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Showing posts from February, 2021

Listening Report 3

Story 1 Bercerita tentang Laila dan saudara kembarnya Lauren. Laila mempunyai tubuh yang bagus sedangkan Lauren Mempunyai tubuh yang gemuk karena kondisi medis.Namun karena kondisi medis nya itu membuat Lauren semakin di cintai oleh orang tua mereka dan membuat Laila menjadi cemburu. Laila melampiaskan kecemburuan nya kepada Lauren sehingga membuat Lauren terjatuh dari tangga karena tersandung sepatu. Dan itu membuat Laila menyesali perbuatannya. Comment Cerita ini sangat bagus tapi saya kecewa dengan perkataan Laila kepada Lauren. Seharusnya Laila lebih mendukung dan lebih mengerti tentang perasaan Lauren. Something new : From the story i learn a new vocabulay like "cannonball", Dari cerita ini, saya bisa belajar bahwa jangan pernah cemburu kepada saudara sendiri Hanya karena beranggapan bahwa orang tua Pilih kasih dalam membesarkan anak-anak mereka. 2. Bercerita tentang seorang gadis berusia 12 tahun bernama Taylor,Dia jatuh cinta dengan seorang publik influencer dengan per

Listening Report 2

LISTENING REPORT #2 Hello everyone!!! Welcome back to my blog. Today I made a second assignment for listening report. so, my assignment this time is about short stories. I've listening to some short stories that I took on YouTube. So today, I'm doing to share with you what stories I've been listening on YouTube. So let's get started.... 1. Title : I was born on to save my sister Author : Unknown Link : Date of listening : February 20, 2021 Description about the text: This story tells of a girl named Milana who thought that she was born only to save her sister named Lisa from severe leukemia. Lisa only found out that she had leukemia after she and Milana went for a physical exam. After hearing the explanation from their parents about Lisa's illness and Milana's birth, Melina finally realized that her birth was not to save her sister.  Comment about the text : I like this story because it is interesting and has a
Deskripsi  Cerita ini menceritakan tentang seorang wanita bernama millana Yang berpikir bahwa Dia dilahirkan hanya untuk menyelamatkan Kakak nya bernama Lisa dari penyakit leukemia berat. Lisa baru mengetahui bahwa dia mempunyai penyakit leukemia setelah dia dan Mellina pergi untuk pemeriksaan fisik. Setelah mendengar penjelasan Dari orang tua mereka tentang penyakit Lisa dan kelahiran Mellina, akhirnya Mellina menyadari bahwa kelahiran nya bukan untuk menyelamatkan kakaknya.  Coment Saya menyukai cerita ini karena menarik dan memiliki pesan moral yang baik. Namun,  Saya sedih dengan pernyataan Mellina Karena mengira dia dilahirkan hanya untuk menyelamatkan Lisa tanpa mendengarkan penjelasan dari Orang tua mereka.  Something new. Dari cerita ini saya bisa mempelajari kosakata baru seperti  frowned, Disease, gathered. Dan juga dari cerita ini saya bisa belajar bahwa jangan kita langsung menyimpulkan sesuatu sebelum mengetahui apa yang sebenarnya terjadi.  2. Deskripsi Bercerita tentang

Listening Report

  Extensive Listening   Hello everyone!! welcome back to my blog.  my blog this time is related to an extensive listening course. this is my first assigment using blog for extensive linstening. So, in this first assignment, I will listen to children's stories from YouTube. so let's get started.   Here, I have three stories to share. So let's start with the story first 1. Tittle : The Ant and The Grasshoppers Source : https: // Author : Fairy tales and stories for kids Date of listening : february 7, 2021 Desription : This story tells of a lazy grasshopper and the hardworking ants. The worker ants collect food to prepare for winter but the lazy grasshopper does not collect parsedian for winter preparation and is lazy. Until one day, winter arrived, all the food was covered with heavy snow so that the grasshoppers starved. The grasshopper went to the ant's nest and asked for food. Ants who could not bear to see the grasshoppe

Listening Report

 Extensive Listening Hello everyone!! welcome back to my blog.  my blog this time is related to an extensive listening course. this is my first assigment using blog for extensive linstening.  So, in this first assignment, I will listen to children's stories from YouTube. so let's get started.   Here, I have three stories to share. So let's start with the first storyfirst 1. Tittle : The Ant and The Grasshoppers Source : https: // Author : Fairy tales and stories for kids Date of listening : february 7, 2021 Desription : This story tells of a lazy grasshopper and the hardworking ants. The worker ants collect food to prepare for winter but the lazy grasshopper does not collect parsedian for winter preparation and is lazy. Until one day, winter arrived, all the food was covered with heavy snow so that the grasshoppers starved. The grasshopper went to the ant's nest and asked for food. Ants who could not bear to see the grasshopper cold and h